Bah Ku Teh Teow Chew, Taman Melaka Raya

Bak Kut Teh is originated by people from Hokkien. However, it has been improvised by other ethnic such as Teochew. At Melaka, I had the opportunity to taste a Bak Kut Teh in Teochew style.
Basically, they will just ask how many person you want to make and any parts that you do not want. 
What is so different about their bak kut teh with the others is the soup. Their soup has a light black pepper taste and herbal taste as well. 
This is the master chef and what I do not really like this restaurant is the master chef is keep screaming all the time. I wonder how he can have this kind of energy to scream for all day long. However, I felt very annoyed when every time he screams. Actually I do not like anyone spoils my appetite.
All I want to do is just get outta there. I do not care how good their food is but with his scream...I cannot continue to eat. He still got a lot of customers immune to that. Well, good for them but I do not recommend this restaurant to anyone.
If you still insist to try, here you are located at the corner of the shop lot. Should be very easy to spot.

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