Half Day Tsunami Lesson Tour at Banda Aceh, Indonesia

The other things you could do during your no flight day after your dive at Pulau Weh is by taking a tour at Banda Aceh. Banda Aceh is the city located at the northern most of Sumatera, Indonesia. There are a lot of history on this place. One of it is the deadliest natural disaster, Indian Ocean earthquake and tsunami at 9.1 magnitude happened on 26th December 2004. One of the best hotel in Banda Aceh got to offer is The Pade. It is a 4-star hotel with a grand outlook which you can relax yourself to take a hot shower which you didn't had during your stay at Pulau Weh. To the Malaysian who are complaining about SST, please understand what the charges like in other countries. As you can see this hotel charges 21% compared to our 16%. Such a scary tax! This awesome building is the Aceh Tsunami Museum which has no entrance fee. The model of the building is the result of contest winners, who is M.Ridwan Kamil (the Lecturer in Architecture from Bandung Institute of Tec...